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Alpine Adventures
  5300 NW 33rd Avenue, Suite 216
 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
1 954 564 6722
 1 800 755 1330
1 954 564 6721

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Ethan Scherer

Ethan Scherer

Ethan Scherer

Ethan Scherer is an enthusiastic outdoorsman with a profound love for skiing above all other activities in his life! With 7 years of experience helping individuals like himself choose skis, gear, and plan outdoor excursions, his dedication goes beyond personal passion to ensuring others have a fantastic time in the mountains. When snow falls, Ethan can often be found taking tram laps at Snowbird or cruising down Alta’s Wildcat on a 20-inch powder day. If it’s steep and covered in snow, he’s eager to ski it!
Beyond skiing, Ethan is dedicated to fitness, ice hockey, wellness, and enjoys other outdoor activities such as climbing and mountain biking.
He looks forward to fueling your passion and being a part of your next outdoor adventure!


(+1) 954-564-6722 ext: 218
